Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Never Again to the Boat Thing

My Mum is crafty!  She knew I wouldn't want to go into the PTU, so quietly bought it downstairs whilst I was asleep.  In fact, I didn't even notice it until I was unceremoniously picked up and bundled into it - yes, she's quick too!!

Then, they put me in the boot!  Seems the little green car has run away to live with someone else, so they went in Dad's car.  Don't panic, it wasn't really the boot, but it's a kind of hatchback thing, but I wasn't best pleased, and showed my displeasure by howling all the way.

At the boat thing, it didn't improve.  It was cold.  Dad made a lot of noise poking the black thing in the corner, which finally glowed orange and gave out some heat.  When they had bought everything in, Mum let me out of the PTU, but I was desperate for a wee.  I ran up and down, looking for my box, but couldn't find it anywhere.  Finally, I found a bag of Dad's nicely ironed shirts - I have been known to pee in a bag once before - that I thought would do, but Mum caught me just as I was climbing in.  Good job she knows me, as she quickly had the box out!.

I did try to sleep on the bed, but it was a bit cold, so spent most of the night on the rug in front of the fire.  I don't like sleeping in my own really.  They took my cushion, but it wasn't the same as when it's at home.  I also got a bit box obsessed, and spent lots of time digging and moving my cat litter about, which drove Dad nuts.  Mum said it was because the box was too close to everyone, but It was really a cunning plan on my part!

Dad now thinks I would be happier left at home.  Finally!!

A Home for Moosie

Now, I know I am a lucky kitty.  I was found in a cardboard box at the end of the street and my Mum & Dad took me in.  I get big bowls of noms.  I get to sleep on the bed.  I've got the best cushion ever, lots of kitty friends and I know my Mum and Dad love me very much and will always look after me.  I am a very lucky kitty.  Some kitties are not so lucky.


Imagine what this poor sweet girl has gone through.  First, her human up and leaves her for the Rainbow Bridge and then her brother had left her too.  She’s 12 years young and is distraught about this turn of events.  She is a kind soul who loves to love and be loved.  She loves to have her gorgeous fur combed too.

Moosie has a Christmas wish.  Moosie really, really, really would love to have a nice retirement home.  She would be totally delighted.  As a matter of fact, that is the ONLY THING on her Christmas list.  She’s having a hard time believing in miracles these days, it just seems that nobody wants her.  She’s hopeful that a Christmas miracle can happen.  Will you help find Moosie a home for Christmas?  Please post about her one more time, please tweet about her one more time, please put her on Facebook one more time.  We’ve just got to come through for her.  Let’s help that miracle happen for Moosie.

I am sad that Moosie can't come and live with me, but we are in the wrong country.  Someone somewhere must be able to help.  If you can, follow the link behind the picture to Brian's Home, and he can put you in contact with the right people.

I'm a big fat ginger keeping my paws crossed for Moosie cat.

Friday, 26 November 2010

I am Centurian Pussimuss!

Much excitement in our house this morning, as we received a communique from the Aide de Camp advising that I have been bestowed the honour of Centurian Pussimuss.

"The Universal shining light that is Maximus Spittimus has requested that I thank you for your request to join his Centurion Army.

Maximus hereby confers on you the right to be known as Pussimuss and has stated that your picture and Centurion Rank will appear on http://maximusspittimus.blogspot.com shortly.

He is also particularly delighted that one of his new Centurions is a handsome Ginger! (Obviously not as handsome as the Great Maximus of course)...;-)

You are hereby granted immortality and extra fishy food.

Four Dinners
Aide de Camp
Emporer Maximus Spittimus"

Oh hail the great Maximus Spttimuss!

After all that, I need a lie down!


I'm a big fat ginger Pussimuss Cat.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Good News & Bad News

Firstly, happy Thanksgiving to all my American Friends!

Blogging has been a bit slow in our house this week due to other things. There is good news and bad news.

The good news is that Dad has fixed my kitty condo (actually, he did that a couple of weeks ago, but I forgot to tell you).


He did quite a good job, well, as best as he can, although the side still looks a bit iffy!  I have given it a bit of stick though, so can't really complain.


The bad news is the boaty thing.  This is the boaty thing.


Mum and Dad went away last weekend and moved the boaty thing - Dad wasn't best pleased when he got home.  Apparently the current was too strong, it was freezing cold, dark, and someone threw a brick at them at Worcester.  That doesn't sound good to me at all.  I stayed home in the warm and spent the whole weekend on my cushion, which was much more fun.

Anyway, now the boaty thing is moved and is a lot easier to get to, apparently when they go for the weekend I have go with them, as they think I don't like being left home alone  That means going in the Prisoner Transport Unit and in the car!!  What about my cushion?  What about my noms?  I is going to hide under the sofa and hope they don't notice me!

I is not a happy big fat ginger kitty!!

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Stairs on Thursday

Now, that doesn't rhyme, does it?

Anyway, I spent a bit of time on the stairs, and Mum used the flashy box to capture it for all posterity.


Ho hum, more yellow flashy eyes.


I quite like it on the stairs, cos I can keep an eye on everything.


See how my head just fits in the gap?


Can I just point out this wasn't my idea.

I'm a big fat ginger on the stairs cat.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010


I know we're not supposed to do tails on a Wednesday, but I was never a cat who played by the rules.


I'm a big fat ginger cat who is nearly the same colour as the curtains!

Monday, 15 November 2010


Sometimes, a cat needs to have a floofy moment., and I'm feeling very floofy today.  Here's one of my ginger floof.


I'm a big fat ginger floofy cat.

Friday, 12 November 2010

Checking My Blog

Sometimes, I can't trust Mum to keep things up to date on the blogging front, so I need to keep a check on her.


She still hasn't fixed that yellow eye thing yet though!!

I'm a big fat ginger keeping a check on my blog cat.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

The Return of the Cushion

Now, you all remember my cushion disappeared?  Well, as mysteriously as it vanished, it has returned!

I know you were all worried about it going into the washing machine, and how it would come back without any kitty fur or kitty smells on it.  To be honest, I like a nice clean cushion, in the same way I like to sleep on the ironing, or whatever outfit Mum has laid out on the bed ready for work. Thing's are just not the same unless there's a layer of kitty hair all over it.

Anyway, here's my cushion, back safe and sound.  Of course, I was straight onto it, to make sure it had been washed correctly.


Seems I have turned into a yellow eyed monster!  There's no option for yellow eye removal on iPhoto, apparently.  I'll just carry on re-furring my cushion.


I'm a big fat ginger cat who's clad to see the return of his cushion.

Saturday, 6 November 2010


In other news, someone has vandalised my Kitty Condo.  Just look at the damage.


and here.


I don't think it was Next Door Kitty, as has been mentioned previously, she always eats and runs. Dad won't be very happy, as he'll have to stick it all down again.

Don't worry Dad, I'll keep watch for kitty condo vandalising introoders.


I'm a big fat ginger keeping watch for vandalisators kitty.

Friday, 5 November 2010


When I came back in from checking the perimeter this morning, I strolled across the living rom, only to notice out of the corner of my eye that something terrible has happened.  Can you guess what it is?


You guessed it yet?  That's right.  My cushion has vanished!  I sat on the rug for a while, not quite sure what a kitty with a lost cushion should do. This is actually the rug in the hall, which isn't very good for sitting on, but on the plus side it's near my noms.


Then Mum told me she'd put it in the washing machine.  I don't know what a washing machine is, but it doesn't sound good.  Apparently she's been trying to get it out from underneath me for ages, but I'm always sitting on it. Wednesday was a good opportunity, she says, because I always spend Wednesdays underneath the sofa hiding from the dustbin lorry.  I wasn't very impressed with that at all.

So, what's a cushionless kitty to do?  This:


This is Mum's spot on the sofa!!  I'll just sit here until my cushion comes back.

I'm a big fat ginger cushionless cat.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Dewey the Library Cat

Mum has a copy of the Dewey book that she's just finished.  She got a bit teary at the end and I had to go and sit on her lap for a while.  If anyone hasn't read it and would like it, just let me know.  Mum would be happy to Paw it Forward.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Purrs for Inigo

Inigo is very poorly, and it is likely he will not get better.  Please go visit and send your purrs and headbutts to Inigo, Rumbles, and of course, to Rumblemum and Rumbledad.  They could really use your support right now.

Mum and I will be purring for them.