Saturday, 1 May 2010

Busy in the Garden with a New Scratch Post

I’ve been really busy today, in the garden, snoopervising the construction of a new house-cum-scratch post that Dad’s building for me.  Here’s my old one.  As you can see, it’s looking pretty ropy.  Dad had to add some supports on the bottom, cos I kept pulling it over. 

CIMG1237 Mum always puts my mousies back on the bottom, after she’s picked them up from where I’ve left them all over the house.

Anyway, this snoopervising is hard work, so I need a bit of a lay down.

CIMG1235I can snoopervise at the same time, cos I’m good at multi-tasking.  Here’s the thing he’s making.  As you can see, it’s not quite finished yet.

CIMG1233It’s made out of solid oak, apparently, so I won’t be able to knock it over.  I’m a bit worried about falling off, to be honest.

Here I am snoopervising the glue drying.

CIMG1234Will let you know how the finished thing turns out.

I’m a big fat ginger snoopervising cat! 


  1. Wow! That's gonna be a pawsome scratching post! It's even got a cubby hole for you to hide in!

  2. Wow! Can your dad come and make us one? That is pawsome!

  3. That looks like a scratchy post for the ages! Quite awesome. We think it will last you a long time.
    xx lounge kats

  4. Your presence must be inspirational. That is going to be an awesome scratching post.

  5. WOW! Yoor dad is VERY talented ~ that's a fine housie he's built.
