Tuesday, 31 May 2011

No More Boat!

So, Kitties.  Big news from this end.  Mum and Dad have decided to sell the boat thing.  Their plans have changed, and they are not really getting the use out of it that they should, and Dad says that it's too much money just to have sitting there.  I'm not really fussed either way, as I've got much more important things to do like sleeping in sun puddles dreaming of bootiful ladies than going to the big boat thing where I don't even get my own chair!


And I'm a big fat ginger cat who isn't afraid of Dad's manky old shoes!


They think I'm not watching what's going on, but I'm keeping a close eye on things from here.


But, I've just realised.  If there is no boat, then I can't really be Puss in Boats any longer.  Will I need a new blog?  Will I need a new name?  Will my friends be able to find me again?

I'm a big fat ginger cat with an identity crisis.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Kitty Cube

I likes my kitty cube.  Dad says its the best £4.50 he ever spent (not that he bought it)!  I am in there.


It's tiring being a big fat ginger cat.


What's that?  Dinner?  OK, I'm on the way!


I'm a big fat ginger cat with lots of kitty cube photods.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Change of Sleeping Arrangements

Now the weather is a bit warmer, I've abandoned my cushion in favour of sleeping elsewhere.  It's always good to have a change, so I've been rediscovering my Kitty Condo and, of course, my Kitty Cube.  I likes it when I sleep in the Cube, as mostly Mum and Dad don't notice I'm there and then have to spend time looking for me.


I mean, do I look like I'm hiding?

I'm a big fat ginger sleepy cat.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Tummy Contest!

Much excitement at this end, as we've just heard about the tummy contest.  It's not too late to join in, I don't think.  As you kitties know, my tummy can attract the Snorgle Monsters from a fair distance.  So, here's my entry.


Mum said I should have thought about tummies in context.  I have no idea what she is talking about.  A tummy is a tummy, and you guys all know a tummy when you see one!

I'm a big fat ginger cat with a fluffy tummy who's braced for the approach of the Snorgle Monsters!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Toesies Tuesday

Is that how you spell Toesies??

Anyway, you will be pleased to know that my toesies match the rest of me perfectly.


and the best place for showing them off is from the inside of the Kitty Condo.

Toesies close up imminent...


I like to uses my toesies to good effect, making sure I have at least two of them connected to my Mum at all times!

I'm a big fat ginger cat with co-ordinated toesies!

Saturday, 30 April 2011

I’m OK on the Big Boat

After having been in the PTU and in the car, I thought I’d better let you know I am OK on the big boat.  I’ve spent most of today asleep on the bed and on Mum’s lap, and now am making good use of Mum’s chair.  I even met the neighbours, albeit through the porthole.


It doesn’t look too traumatic, does it.


Mind you, if they start the engine and actually want to go somewhere, things might be different.

I’m a big fat ginger nearly boating cat.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

In the PTU!

I'm in the PTU in the car and I am not happy!

Blissfully Unaware!

Posted by Puss' Mum.

Here's Puss, having a nap on the sofa.


Little does he know that in a few hours, the PTU will come out, and he's off to the big boat!


For now, I'll just let him sleep.

Friday, 15 April 2011

V-E-T Visit

So Kitties, I went to the V-E-T's.  Mum was quite sneaky, hiding the PTU so I didn't see it until it was too late.  Then she discovered Dad had gone off with her keys in his dinner bag, so she wasn't best pleased.  He bought them back, but I had to stay in the PTU for ages, and we were late!

This time I saw the Man-V-E-T, or really, the Boy-V-E-T.  He said "my, you're a big boy", like it was something we didn't already know, then he checked me over.  He looked at my ears, eyes, and teeth, and had a good feel of my belly which I wasn't very impressed with.  Luckily there was no sign of the thermometer.  Apparently my teeth are quite good.  Then I got weighed.  It seems that at 8.2 kg (18 pounds), I am overweight.  Kitties, I can't believe that.

Mum and the Boy-V-E-T had a lengthy discussion about my diet (I'm already on light food and that is weighed and measured to an inch of it's life before I get it), whilst I busied myself by shedding lots of ginger fur all over the Boy-V-E-T's surgery.  Mum said I was very good, as I didn't put the bitey on the Boy-V-E-T once.

So, I am all fit and well, apart from being a bit too cuddly, but it doesn't end there.  Mum came home with these.  Do you see the size of those?


Giant worming tablets!  I know I haven't got worms, and I am sure Mum knows I haven't got worms, but apparently I still have to take them.  And I need to have 2 cos I'm extra cuddly.  They don't look quite so bad out of the packet, but they are still big!


So, there I am, sitting on the sofa, minding my own business.


and Dad's going "look, kitty, what's this"?  I'll have a look, just in case, but does he think I am stupid?


Nope, I'm not eating that.


I told you, I'm definitely not eating that.


Oh, OK, it seems that I am.  I did put up a good fight, and kept spitting the tablet out, but he got it down in the end.


The indignity of it all!


The second pill they wrapped in a bit of corned beef, and cos I really really likes corned beef, I'd eaten that before I noticed it was there.  I didn't fall out with Dad though, and he didn't seem to mind too much that I'd put the bitey on his finger.


So I'm good to go now for another year!

I'm a big fat ginger cat who definitely doesn't have worms!

Wednesday, 6 April 2011


Kitties, I've been reprieved.  The good news is Mum had to go to work this afternoon, so I couldn't go to the V-E-T's myself as I'm not allowed to drive the car on my own.  The bad news is I'm sure I heard her re-arranging it for Friday morning, so I'm not out of the woods yet.

Will keep you posted.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011


Oh nooss.  I just heard Mum on the phone to the V-E-T's.  She didn't forget! Tomorrow I've got to go to the V-E-T and have big needles stuck in me!!

If they do that thing with the thermometer, I won't be pleased!!

It's not good kitties.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

My Co-Ordinated Tummy

Why is it every time I lay down, Mum wants to take photos of my tummy! It is a very nice tummy, of course, and I can hear the Snorgle Monsters approaching from here.


Aside from my fluffy tummy, I've also just noticed that I match Mum's Slippers perfectly.


I'm a big fat ginger co-ordinated cat.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

See my Teeth!

Don't be afraid, I'm only yawning!


I'm a big fat ginger toothy cat!

Friday, 1 April 2011

I got Mail, but it's not good!

This morning, I got mail, which is supposed to be a good thing, right?  It was a big postcard, addressed to me and everything.  I was quite excited until I saw what it was.   Do you see what it is?


It's a postcard from the V-E-T!!  That can't be right, surely.  It doesn't bode well, I can feel it in my whiskers!

I'm a big fat ginger worried cat.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Catnapped – Part II

OK Kitties.  I have to confess, it’s not as bad as it sounds.  I knew something was going on, there was lots of running about and putting things into bags.  Then the Prisoner Transport Unit (PTU came out.  I made a break for behind the sofa, but mum was too quick for me and before I knew what was happening, I was bundled into the PTU and into the boot of the car.  I wasn’t a happy kitty, and howled my displeasure all the way there.

So now I’m a prisoner on the big boat thing.  I’ve spent the last day or so marching up and down looking displeased, but it doesn’t seem to be doing very good.  Mum won’t let me out because I don’t know where I am.  I can’t see out of the windows either, but they have let me out in the front where I can look out the front window.  I can’t get out though, cos I’ve tried.

I have stopped hiding under the chair though.  The big boat thing is full of funny smells and different noises.

The other problem is that there are only two chairs, which is not good when there are 3 of us.  Every time one of them gets up, I leap into the vacant chair – and they are not really big enough to share.


The only reason there isn’t enough room is because there are too many cushions!


The bed isn’t too bad either, although the duvet makes a funny noise. 

Fear not Kitties – I’m a big fat ginger brave cat.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Saturday, 12 March 2011

DIY Blogging

If Mum won't update my blog, then I'll do it!


Once I've had a bit of a nap, of course.

I'm a big fat ginger keeping the keyboard warm cat.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Prawns for a Good Kitty

Mum just wanted me to let you all know that I'm not still in the Dog (Cat) House after the bitey incident.  We've all made up now - I knew she wouldn't hold out for long, and I've been a very good kitty all week.  So much so that I got prawns.  I think Dad was feeling a bit sorry for me, especially after they moved all the furniture in the lounge and my cushion went missing for a bit.


I likes prawns, even more than I likes Ham, or Corned Beef, and I really like Corned Beef.  Dad even peels them for me, bless him!  Well, I don't have any thumbs, do I?


I'm a big fat ginger full of prawns cat.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Bad Kitty

I've been a bad kitty and am in the dog house - or should that be the cat house?

I was sitting on the sofa next to Mum last night like we usually do, and I'd been asleep (nothing new there).  Then I woke up, got up and down off the sofa a couple of times, and then decided I wanted to sit on Mum's lap.  She obviously wasn't too keen for some reason, I suppose 8 kg of fat ginger cat can get a bit heavy after a while, so she wouldn't let me sit on her.  I was getting a bit frustrated by now, not getting my own way, so as she pushed me back with her arm, I bit her!

As soon as I'd done it, I knew I was in trouble.  In fact, this dawned on me the instant i'd done it, but what to do?  There I am with my teeth firmly embedded in Mum's arm - good job she was wearing a thick jumper. She didn't say or do anything, but just looked at me with that kind of look that makes a kitty know he's in trouble.  So I let go, at which point I was shooshed off the sofa.

So now I don't know what to do.  I tried rolling on my back and looking cute.  I tried playing with my toys.  I tried scampering about.  I tried to sit on Mum's lap again, but she wasn't having any of it.   She's not talking to me now and this morning even shut the bathroom door so I couldn't escort her to the toilet like I always do in the mornings.  Now I know things are bad!


Will just have to sit on the bed for a while and hope she come's round soon.

I'm a big fat bad ginger cat.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Slack Mum

Mum's been a bit slack on the blogging front of late.  Guess I'll just have to do it myself.  Good job I can multi-task.


I'm a big fat ginger  multi-tasking cat.

Sunday, 20 February 2011


I don't know what it is Mum...


but don't worry..


I'll lick it to death!

I'm a big fat ginger cat with my tongue out!

Thursday, 17 February 2011

A Big Box

Mum had a delivery, which came in a big box.  Of course, us Kitties need to keep an eye on all boxes in the home, so I checked it out thoroughly.


First one side.


Then the end.


Then inside.  It smells like a new box, but I think there might have already been a kitty in here.


Just have a look round the back here.


It's OK Mum, It's all clear.  To be honest, I'm not really all that keen on boxes.  Now, give me a bag, and I'm your kitty!!


I'm a big fat ginger cat in a bag!

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Puss & The Kitty Cube - Part 2

Ok, more video!!  This is the last one, I promise.

And yes, the growling is all me!!

I'm a big fat ginger all videod out cat!

Monday, 14 February 2011

Puss & the Kitty Cube

Mum's been at it again - more videos, this time, featuring the Kitty Cube.
There are two of these, so you might want to get yourself a cup of tea or something before you start.

I'm a big fat ginger cat with his own Film Director.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Puss Live!

OK Ladies, brace yourselves.  Mum has finally managed to:

a)  have the video camera charged
b)  have all the right cables plugged into all the right sockets
c)  figure out how to transfer from the camera to the computer and then to You Tube

and she's done a bit of fancy editing at the same time.  Maybe she's not as silly as she looks?

It seems I now have a You Tube Channel, although I'm not really sure what exactly that is.

So, here I am, live in all my glory.

I'm a big fat ginger in the movies cat.

Edited to Add:  Mum says she may not do this again, as it took her ages to get the video to fit and she's still not sure she's got it right!

Friday, 11 February 2011

Where are my Fluffy Balls?

I've been busy.


In our house, Mum piles up all my toys on my Kitty Condo (where I'm sat), and I knock them all off.  So she puts them back, and I knock them all off again.


Sometimes I spread them around for good measure.  Sometimes, though, this backfires, as I now can't find my 3 favourite fluffy balls.  Will just have to get Dad to have another look under the sofa.


He likes it under there really.

I'm a big fat ginger cat with no fluffy balls (can I say that??)

Wednesday, 9 February 2011


Today, I'm a DIY Cat.  Dad hasn't told me exactly what needs doing yet, but when he does, I'll be ready.


How does this thing work again?


Dad, what are we doing?

I'm a big fat ginger DIY Cat.

Sunday, 6 February 2011


Mum sometimes takes pictures of me when I'm asleep.  Well, she thinks I'm asleep, but really I'm only pretending.


I mean, do I look asleep to you?


I'm a big fat ginger asleep on the sofa cat.

Friday, 4 February 2011

The Cube Lives!!

Now, I expect you're all wondering where I've been.  Mum didn't lock me in the attic for killing my Kitty Cube, so that was OK.  It's actually quite resilient, and has survived a lot more than we thought it would.  I bring it down, and then Mum puts it back up again for me.


It's currently looking half-dead.  I've even been hiding my toys inside it for good measure.


And of course, it's very important that you check underneath, in case any snorgle monsters are lurking.  I do a lot of checking underneath.


In other news, Mum's got a cold and is not feeling her best.  I've been trying to make her feel better by sitting on her and making biscuits at every opportunity - everyone knows that when you have a cold you need to have a stone of big fat ginger cat with very sharp claws on your lap at all times, but she doesn't seem too keen.  I really can't understand that at all.

I'm a big fat ginger cat checking for snorgle monsters and sitting on my Mum.