Tuesday, 31 May 2011

No More Boat!

So, Kitties.  Big news from this end.  Mum and Dad have decided to sell the boat thing.  Their plans have changed, and they are not really getting the use out of it that they should, and Dad says that it's too much money just to have sitting there.  I'm not really fussed either way, as I've got much more important things to do like sleeping in sun puddles dreaming of bootiful ladies than going to the big boat thing where I don't even get my own chair!


And I'm a big fat ginger cat who isn't afraid of Dad's manky old shoes!


They think I'm not watching what's going on, but I'm keeping a close eye on things from here.


But, I've just realised.  If there is no boat, then I can't really be Puss in Boats any longer.  Will I need a new blog?  Will I need a new name?  Will my friends be able to find me again?

I'm a big fat ginger cat with an identity crisis.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Kitty Cube

I likes my kitty cube.  Dad says its the best £4.50 he ever spent (not that he bought it)!  I am in there.


It's tiring being a big fat ginger cat.


What's that?  Dinner?  OK, I'm on the way!


I'm a big fat ginger cat with lots of kitty cube photods.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Change of Sleeping Arrangements

Now the weather is a bit warmer, I've abandoned my cushion in favour of sleeping elsewhere.  It's always good to have a change, so I've been rediscovering my Kitty Condo and, of course, my Kitty Cube.  I likes it when I sleep in the Cube, as mostly Mum and Dad don't notice I'm there and then have to spend time looking for me.


I mean, do I look like I'm hiding?

I'm a big fat ginger sleepy cat.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Tummy Contest!

Much excitement at this end, as we've just heard about the tummy contest.  It's not too late to join in, I don't think.  As you kitties know, my tummy can attract the Snorgle Monsters from a fair distance.  So, here's my entry.


Mum said I should have thought about tummies in context.  I have no idea what she is talking about.  A tummy is a tummy, and you guys all know a tummy when you see one!

I'm a big fat ginger cat with a fluffy tummy who's braced for the approach of the Snorgle Monsters!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Toesies Tuesday

Is that how you spell Toesies??

Anyway, you will be pleased to know that my toesies match the rest of me perfectly.


and the best place for showing them off is from the inside of the Kitty Condo.

Toesies close up imminent...


I like to uses my toesies to good effect, making sure I have at least two of them connected to my Mum at all times!

I'm a big fat ginger cat with co-ordinated toesies!