Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Tummy Tuesday and a Stressful Morning!

This morning, two big men came into the house!!  Cheek of it!  They were delivering some chairs for the boat thing.  Mum is not best pleased as these are nearly a month early, and are now cluttering up the living room.  Apparently the boat thing isn’t finished yet.  I went outside, out of the way, and waited until they had gone before coming in to inspect the new arrivals.  They look quite comfy, although I wasn’t allowed to sit on them, not now, anyway!!  I’ve had such a stressful morning there’s nothing else to do but sleep, especially as there’s a nice clean duvet cover on the bed.



  1. A nice clean duvet is always welcome for napping on. We see you have an elusive sunspot behind you.

  2. I just came across your blog, which is rather serendipitous - we're moving onto a sailboat this spring, and taking our 5 year-old-cat with us. I'll be following along on your journey!
