Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Claiming the Table

Remember I told you I was helping Mum with her sewing thing.  Well she laid it all out on the table, so I sat on it.  She said she’d have to wash it now before it got finished, as it was covered in kitty hairs and muddy footprints.  Am sure that wasn’t me though.

CIMG1200 I quite like it on the table, even when the quilty thing isn’t there.  I’m really not supposed to get up on the table, but I do anyway, as it’s a good spot for looking out the window.

CIMG1201I’m a big fat ginger cool dude on the table cat!


  1. There's always sumfin speshull abowt being where yoo're not supposed to be! MOL!

  2. We don't have a table, somehow we feel we're missing out. We do get on the kitchen sides though.

  3. It's always more fun to be where you're not supposed to be.

  4. MOL. It sure is fun being where you're not supposed to be, isn't it?

  5. Laptop computers are allowed on the tables, so by definition cats can sit on there too. Cats are the ultimate laptops.

  6. We can't believe your mom didn't like all the kitty furs on her sewing thing!

  7. Of course it wasn't you who made it muddy and furry. Everyone knows it's that wicked Nott Mee who likes to get kitties into trouble.

  8. I agree the table is a great place to get lots of sun, get at the kitchen windows to look outside.

  9. Humans! If they don't want us to lay on things, they shouldn't leave them there!!
