Monday, 8 March 2010

The Boat

Over the weekend, Mum & Dad went to see the boat-thing, and came back very excited as it will be finished in a few weeks, apart from the painting, whatever that is.  I am a little worried about this, as from what they say there will a lot of to-ing and fro-ing, which means time in the Nasty Kitty Carrier, and I don’t like the Nasty Kitty Carrier. 

Mum has also been to see where the boat-thing will go, and showed me some new photos.


It looks pretty quiet, and I know there will be lots of exploring to do and things to chase in the hedge.  BUT, look at all that water.  That can’t be a good thing.  Mum says it’s quiet, and away from the road, which is good, but I’m still not too sure about the water thing.

CIMG1160I don’t know if I am going to like the boat-thing.

I’m a big fat ginger boating cat!


  1. Wow, that looks like lots of exploring to do.
    BTW, email me (kc AT catblogosphere DOT com) and let me know yours birthday and gotcha day. We'll give you a shout out on the CB on yours specshul days.
    Love & Purrs,

  2. We don't know any boating cats! Let along big fat ginger boating cats. MOL.

    We think this will be a very exciting adventure, but yes, the water looks a bit scary.

  3. Hi there Puss! I think you might like that boat. It looks cool.

  4. We think the boat may just be a great place to live!

  5. You might get to see all sorts of exciting things!

  6. We think living on a boat will be exciting. We like water and we paddle in puddles, but we have never seen that much water before. Bet there will be lots of exciting thins to hunt there.

  7. WOW! Just think of all FISH! And the water BIRDS! and turtles and frogs and water BUGS! Cheezwhiz, Puss, you're gonna live the LIFE!


  8. My boys have never been on a boat...looks like lots of fun. You'll have to be careful not to fall overboard...baths are no fun! Nice meeting you.

  9. Good to meet yoo! Yoo is tha first boatin cat we's efur meeted!

  10. Hi Puss! How great to meet another fat ginger British mancat. I have never met a boating cat either! I am looking forward to following your boating adventures furry much.
    Fat Eric

  11. Hi Puss,

    It's nice to meet you. "The Boys" and I are glad you've joined the Cat blogging world.

    Thanks for posting those pictures--nice shots, although we can't help but think you have the right idea about that water thing.

    Just make sure they don't give you an oar!

  12. Hi Puss!

    that boat thing looks a bit fun but we're not too sure about the water part. Yikes.

    Welcome to the cat blogosphere!!

  13. Well, there are trees, that can be good. And water is where fish live of course, so that's not all bad. And boats are not as big as houses, so you are never too far away from the food. It might just turn out to be just fine.

  14. Hello! We are saying hi to another of our UK ginger buddies. We are furiends with Fat Eric and Eric and Flynn, Ginger Jasper too.

    Not sure about that water. I like my water in a bowl.

  15. Just think of all the fun that you can have when Meow Like A Pirate Day rolls around! We're pleased to meet you, furriend! Welcome to the CB:)

  16. Hi Puss!! So glad to meet you!! The boat looks like a fun place to live!! We'll be back to see you again!!
    Your TX furiends,

  17. You will be the first boating cat I know. How exotic!

  18. we think yoo'll love it! And yoo'll be able to enter "Meow like a Pirate day" for sure!
