Monday, 22 March 2010

We’ve been Gnomed!

Something funny has happened in our garden.  We’ve been gnomed.

This has appeared

CIMG1187 and this

CIMG1188and this

CIMG1189  and these two

CIMG1186I think Dad put them there when Mum wasn’t looking, as he knows she doesn’t like gnomes.  They are a little creepy, so I have to keep an eye on them.

CIMG1194They don’t do much though, they just stand there.  I will keep watch, just in case.

In other news, I got another award from my friends, Cats in Trees.  Seems I am now a Beautiful Blogger.

bbawardThanks Guys, I am really touched!

I’m a big fat ginger gnome watching cat!


  1. Yes, garden gnomes can be a little creepy. Our mom has one in her garden.

    Concatulations on your award!

  2. Yikes! You are outnumbered by them.
    Concats on your award.

  3. Ditto on the creepiness of garden gnomes!

    Congratulations on your award!

  4. The gnomes only move when you don't watch them. They also invite deer in to eat your plants. So it's not much of a stretch to think they may steal a few kibbles. Better be vigilant.

  5. We agree that gnomes can be creepy. You're doing a good job watching them though. Congrats on the award!!

  6. They are creepy but kind of cute so you had better keep your eye on those guys. Don't want them to get away with anything.
    And congrats on the award. You sure do deserve it.

  7. Well done on the award!
    Our Mom hates gnomes too ~ she said they are very creepy.

  8. Never trust a gnome...they try to sell you travel stuff...heehee!
