Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Claiming the Table

Remember I told you I was helping Mum with her sewing thing.  Well she laid it all out on the table, so I sat on it.  She said she’d have to wash it now before it got finished, as it was covered in kitty hairs and muddy footprints.  Am sure that wasn’t me though.

CIMG1200 I quite like it on the table, even when the quilty thing isn’t there.  I’m really not supposed to get up on the table, but I do anyway, as it’s a good spot for looking out the window.

CIMG1201I’m a big fat ginger cool dude on the table cat!

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

On a Roll!

Now that Mum’s feeling a bit better after large quantities of antibiotics from the dentist, she’s had a bit of an overhaul with my blog, with a new background and a shuffle of the linkys so it looks a bit more balanced!  Sorry if any of you turned up when she was doing it!  Hope you like the new layout!

I’m a big fat ginger revamped cat!

Cushions can be Tricky!

Now, I know Mum’s been a bit slack with the posting over the last couple of days, but she has been a bit poorly with an infection in her tooth.  In fact, it got so bad I gave up trying to sleep on the bed the other night, as she couldn’t sleep and kept kicking me off from where I like to sleep on the back of her legs.  I don’t think she was doing it on purpose though, so of course I have forgiven her.

So, I retreated to the safety of my cushion.

CIMG1202 But look, just like my tail in the door, now my legs don’t fit!  Dad says I’ve killed my cushion, but I like it as it is. 

CIMG1203 But now, I’ve got no legs at all!!! 

Cushions can be tricky.

I’m a big fat ginger cushioned cat!

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Out for the Count!

I’m gone..

CIMG1198 Completely out for the count!

CIMG1199Oops, major bit of flash glare there Mum.  Good job I was really asleep.

I’m a big fat ginger out for the count cat.

Friday, 26 March 2010

Sitting on Stuff!

I keep telling Mum, if she leaves stuff lying around, then I’m going to sit on it. That’s what cats are supposed to do, leave kitty hair all over your nice clean things.


Anyway, I was trying to tell her she’s been making this for ages, and to hurry up and get it finished.  Then I can sit on it good and proper!

CIMG1196It must be for me, surely.

I’m a big fat ginger sitting on stuff cat.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Does my tail look big in this?


I don’t know why it won’t fit inside the door.

I’m a big fat ginger big tailed cat!

Wednesday, 24 March 2010


Now, I don’t usually post so much in one day, but you guys should see this.

Poppy Cam

Poppy, aka PooPoo, had 3 kittens on the 18th March, and they are being streamed live on the internet.  How cool is that!!!  It seems that most of the time they are asleep, but you might get lucky.  I’m watching now with 73 viewers!

I’m a big fat ginger kitten watching cat!

Wordless Wednesday in the Sun


The Photo Game

My friends over at The Paw Relations tagged me into the Photo Game.  You have to open your picture folder, pick the 10th photo, and then write a little about it.  Now, I might be slightly handicapped for this, as my Mum has several photo folders cos she’s organised!!  So, I will pick the 10th photo from each, and we will see what we get.  There’s no caveat that they all have to be cat photos, is there?

From the main photo folder.


This is an easy one, it’s me in the snow a few weeks ago.  I’m not really hiding, it just looks that way.

This is from the Unsorted Photos folder.  Yes, she’s that sad, she copies the photos from the camera into this folder, then moves them from there into the others.  She says it’s being organised.

CIMG1165This is a picture of some plumbing work we had done recently.  I wasn’t allowed in to inspect it, as Dad thought I’d get lost under the floorboards.  As if!  Doesn’t he know I am an big fat ginger I know where I am at all times Cat?

Ah, now we’re talking, this is from the Cat Pictures Folder.  Yes, I have my own special folder that only contains pictures of me.  In fact, there are more pictures of me than of anything else! CIMG0990 I’m just takin it easy on the rug!

Finally, from the Boat folder.

CIMG0954This is the boat thingy, just after the shell was finished and before it was craned into the water for the insides to be fitted out.  It looks big, doesn’t it. 

Incidentally, we had a boat blog first before we had a cat blog, but Mum kept posting about me on the boat blog, and it was quickly turning into a cat blog.  This is when I got a blog of my own, and about time too, I think!  If you’re interested in the boat thing, where there might still be some gratuitous photos of Me, then you can wander on over to

Now, according to the rules I have to tag 5 other kitty bloggers, so here goes.  I pick

Eric & Flynn

Hannah & Lucy

Maximus Spittimus

Fat Eric

and lastly, but of course not leastly

Tober, the Thorntown Library Cat.

Of course, if you can’t play, it’s no problem.

I’m a big fat ginger photogenic cat!

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Action Shot

Mum took this, purely by accident.  One minute I was doing this.

CIMG1192 Next minute, I’m a big fat ginger springing into action cat!

CIMG1190It’s hard work being a big fat ginger action cat.

Monday, 22 March 2010

We’ve been Gnomed!

Something funny has happened in our garden.  We’ve been gnomed.

This has appeared

CIMG1187 and this

CIMG1188and this

CIMG1189  and these two

CIMG1186I think Dad put them there when Mum wasn’t looking, as he knows she doesn’t like gnomes.  They are a little creepy, so I have to keep an eye on them.

CIMG1194They don’t do much though, they just stand there.  I will keep watch, just in case.

In other news, I got another award from my friends, Cats in Trees.  Seems I am now a Beautiful Blogger.

bbawardThanks Guys, I am really touched!

I’m a big fat ginger gnome watching cat!

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Peanut Butter

I found out yesterday, whilst sneaking a bit of Dad’s Sandwich, that I like peanut butter.  It seems like a funny thing for cats to eat. Is that normal?  Mum says I can’t have it again because it’s too fattening for me.  Is that why I’m fat?

I’m a big fat ginger peanut butter eating cat!

Belated Thanks to the Cats of Wildcat Woods

Cos I’ve been so busy looking after Mum, I haven’t had a chance to say a big thank you to the Cats of Wildcat Woods for the fab award they kindly gave me earlier this week:

From_Me_To_You_Award_thumb1 There are also some new kitty bloggers, which I will get Mum to add to the list of other Kitty Blogs so everyone can read them.

I’m a big fat ginger blushing with an award cat!

I was only being a Good Kitty, but think I might be in trouble!

Firstly, sorry, no pictures, as Mum’s posting for me from the crappy laptop, and there aren’t any photos of me on it, although I don’t know how that can be!

Secondly, it’s been a stressful couple of days.  Mum had an interview for something called a job yesterday, so she was up at the crack of dawn and off.  I wasn’t very happy, although I did get fed earlier, but she was gone most of the morning.  She didn’t get the job, which Dad was pleased about because he said that it was too far away, and that the other job she has is fine, even though it’s less hours.   I am also very happy that she didn’t get the job, cos it would have meant she would have been out all day and wouldn’t have been spending any time with me!

This morning though, Mum wasn’t very well.  Something she ate, she thought.  If they only ate the stuff they give me, then they would be fine.  Anyway, she went back to bed after she’d made Dad’s sandwiches, and I went up with her.  I hadn’t been out, but didn’t want to leave her on her own while she was poorly.  She finally went back to sleep, but I still stayed with her.  You need to make sure your Mum’s OK, don’t you.  After a couple of hours, she woke up and said she was feeling a bit better, and went downstairs to make a cup of coffee.  I took the opportunity to nip out and just have a quick check of the perimeter, just to make sure everything was OK outside.

When I got back, Mum had gone back to bed, so I raced back up the stairs and leapt onto the bed.  I was making a fuss of her as I was pleased to see she was OK, and she was tickling my ear.  I got so excited that I head-butted the blue thing she had in her hand, only to realise as soon as I’d done it that it was her coffee mug and it was full!  Needless to say, the coffee went all over the bed. 

She’s still talking to me though!

I’m a big fat ginger nearly in the doghouse cat, and that’s no place for any kitty to be.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Keeping Watch for Introoders!

Here I am, keeping watch over the neighbourhood.

CIMG1182  First one way, then the other.


CIMG1183 Introoders, I’m ready for you!

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Guess who won the Battle for the Sofa?

I did, of course.

CIMG1176 I even managed to bag Mum’s jumper at the same time.

That’ll show em!

I’m a big fat ginger king of the sofa cat!

Friday, 12 March 2010

Keeping your spot on the Sofa

It’s my spot, and I will claim it at all costs.

CIMG1174 No matter how much room you take up, I’m not budging!

CIMG1175cos I was here first!

I’m a big fat ginger holding my own on the sofa cat!

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Kitty Litter

I got new kitty litter!!  When we moved here, mum got me a new kitty litter tray.  It’s a bit of a silly thing, fits into a corner and has a door on it.  Here it is.
CIMG1169 Well, it did have a door on it, but cos I’m so fat Mum had to take it off.  It’s supposed to keep the kitty litter inside the box, rather than all over the floor, so I just compensate by trying to pull the mat inside the box.  This one isn’t so good, but there’s another one Mum sometimes uses which I can get right inside.

Mum’s been trying different types of kitty litter.  We had some natural woody stuff, but Mum said I stank too much to keep using that.  I assure you that I don’t stank!   Then we got some brown stuff, which Mum didn’t like as it turned to mud and stuck to the bottom of the tray.  It was real difficult to get off my paws, but I got real good at treading it all round the house and onto the duvet.

Now we’ve got some white stuff, and Mum is very excited about it.  Apparently there is no stanking (well, not from me anyway), and it’s easy clean stuff.  The brown bits you can see in the photo are left over from the brown stuff, and not kitty poo!!  I wouldn’t post pictures of my kitty poo in the internet!

Wordless Wednesday


Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Other Boating Cats & Dogs

A lot of people have left comments – thanks to everyone – about how they have never met a cat who lives on a boat.  Well, I don’t actually live on a boat yet, but I do know of some other cats who do.  Admittedly, these blogs are more about the boating than the animals themselves (which makes no sense to me at all!), but the cats, and the occasional dog, do make an appearance every now and then.  I have added some links below.

Lyra -

Tom Kitten -

Daisy the Monster Cat, & Baxter & Mutley -

Ginger Cat (known as GC) -

Milly -

Boots -

(Milly & Boots are firm friends!)  Lastly but not leastly,

Floyd & Fletcher -

You may have to scroll through some of the boaty stuff to get to the animal stuff!  

These cats and dogs are quite famous around the canals.  Indeed, my Mum has met Floyd & Fletcher, and Floyd even sat on her lap for a while, no mean feat for a big black labrador! 

Hope you enjoy the links to something a bit different.

CIMG1172Finally, I’m keeping guard on the step in the sun.

I’m a big fat ginger guarding cat!



Monday, 8 March 2010

The Boat

Over the weekend, Mum & Dad went to see the boat-thing, and came back very excited as it will be finished in a few weeks, apart from the painting, whatever that is.  I am a little worried about this, as from what they say there will a lot of to-ing and fro-ing, which means time in the Nasty Kitty Carrier, and I don’t like the Nasty Kitty Carrier. 

Mum has also been to see where the boat-thing will go, and showed me some new photos.


It looks pretty quiet, and I know there will be lots of exploring to do and things to chase in the hedge.  BUT, look at all that water.  That can’t be a good thing.  Mum says it’s quiet, and away from the road, which is good, but I’m still not too sure about the water thing.

CIMG1160I don’t know if I am going to like the boat-thing.

I’m a big fat ginger boating cat!

New Friends & New Mousies!

Wow, that Cat Blogosphere rocks!  I have lots of new friends, and have also added more kitty blog linkies.  I didn’t realise there were so many other kitty bloggers out there!  Thanks to everyone who has visited so far and left comments. 

Mum’s very excited about my new friends as well.  She says she is going to take some video of me, not that I really know what that is, but the downside is that in order to get the video to the computer, she needs to take the side off and replace one of the bits.  Last time she tried this, the computer broke and Dad was very cross!!

In other news, Mum bought me some new toys, so now I have a gaggle of mousies!

CIMG1171The coloured ones are Circus Mousies, according to the packet.  She didn’t buy the Christmas Mousies, cos you can’t really play with Christmas Mousies in March, and she didn’t want me getting confused.  They have catnip in them, and smell yummy.  I like the white fluffy one though, it squeaks when it moves, and if you get it just right, you can walk away and leave it and it will keep on squeaking!  That really annoys Dad!

After all the excitement, time for a nap!

CIMG1170I’m a big fat ginger moused out cat!

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Cat Blogosphere

My good friends Eric & Flynn kindly left me a comment about the Cat Blogosphere, so I padded on over there and signed up.  Means I get to have a new banner thingy, like this,

catbloggermemberbut more importantly, means that hopefully I get to make lots more kitty friends.  I’d better go off and smarten up my blog!

Thanks Eric & Flynn!

Introoders & Exploring

Today, I’ve been very brave, and have ventured over the garden wall and out into the street.  Dad was very worried about me, even though I was fine hiding under next door’s car, so I didn’t stay out for very long.  

In other news, we’ve had introoders.  Here’s next door’s cat having a sneaky peek in through the window.

CIMG1166I’ve had to be on guard all morning, which wasn’t a bad thing as it was nice and warm and sunny in the garden.

CIMG1167Dad took this one, he’s rubbish with the camera.  It’s been so exciting, I’ve had to come in for a lie down.


I’m a big fat ginger explorer cat!

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

I don’t like Wednesdays!

Cos Wednesdays is the day when both the dustbin men and the recycling men come in their big noisy trucks, and crash and bang outside the door.  Wednesdays requires some careful hiding underneath the sofa, which is where I am now.  I don’t like Wednesdays!

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Turfed off the Bed!

Sometimes, it takes them ages to make the bed in the mornings, and sometimes, I just can’t wait until after it’s done for my first morning nap. 

CIMG1154This morning though, there I was, minding my own business, when I got woken up and unceremoniously turfed off!   So, I’m going to sit here, in the way, till she gets bored and goes and does something else.
